Screenings of International Kansk Video Festival in London
Organizers: Videodom Studio (Moscow), CINE FANTOM club (Moscow), The Foundry (UK), Genesis Cinema (UK).
Dates and places: June 11-14, 2009 at The Foundry (opening, exhibition 11 June 7-11pm), Genesis Cinema (day and evening shows) Friday evening 2hrs, Saturday day/evening 4hrs total, Sunday,day/evening 4 hours total.
Kansk Video Festival (Russia / Siberia /
The Kansk Video Festival (Russia/Siberia) is not a conventional film festival. It is an experiment in time and space. The place…. the small Siberian city of Kansk, was found on the Internet by chance and selected as its name correlates with the Cannes Film Festival, Kansk in the Russian language is pronounced the same as Cannes. It grew as an artistic joke….Siberia having it’s own ‘Festival de Cannes’.
Since 2002 in the depths of Siberia the festival happens annually. Far away from the Côte d'Azur to the severe Taiga climate, 7000 km from London, 4500 km from Moscow and 300 km from Krasnoyarsk by ‘Irons Road’, and the Trans-Siberian Railway. In an area full of wonderful and brave Siberian people, pelmeni, cedar nuts, even buses reminiscent to the old school buses of a long lost Soviet a place full magic. The Kansk Video festival has grown immeasurably from it’s 2002 beginnings, each year it hosts an international jury from the industry and artistic communities, running international film and video-art competitions with a special screenings program and a bank of ideas for a further 150 years of the festivals future. The festival promotes new names of independent and uncompromising video and filmmakers.
June 11, 09 / The Foundry
Opening night - opening of contemporary Russian posters at the Foundry.
The Foundry / 84, Great Eastern Street London EC2A 3JL
(exit 3 Old Street tube)
June 12, 09 / Genesis Cinema
Shorts and video-art from Kansk Video Festival (Russian program)
June 13, 09 / Genesis Cinema
‘Volga-Volga’, directed by Pavel Labazov & Andrey Silvestrov, 70 min, 2006
‘Einstein and Margaret’, directed by Iraida Yusupova and Alexander Dolgin, 90 min, 2006
June 14, 09 / Genesis Cinema
Shorts and video-art from Kansk Video Festival (International program)
Premiere! ‘Blind Spot’, new film by Oleg Mavromatti, 83 min, 2009
Genesis Cinema / 93-95 Mile End Road Whitechapel London E1 4UJ (Stepney Green-district line)
turn right, keep walking straight cinema on left. Bus numbers 25 and 205 stop outside the cinema.
Ticket costs:
£ 7.00 £ 4.50 students/concs £ 15.00 3 day festival ticket
June 12

Shorts and video-art
from the International Kansk Video Festival
(Russian program)
93 min
Once upon a time there was Zina / 2007 / 26’ / MiniDV / directed by Alexander Belobokov / DOC
An old story or circle of continuity 2008 / 9’31’’ / MiniDV / directed by Shvedov Aleksey / EXP
Stokyyard / 2007 / 4’15’’ / DVD / directed by Vera Myakisheva / ANIM
Wolves / 2008 / 4’ / directed by Nadezda Gorokhova / VA
Perfectionist’s Catalogue / 2007 / 4’04’’/ dvd / directed by Ivan Vaschenko / VA
Virtual Stamps Seiries / 2005 /5’19’’ / dvd / directed by Natalia Lamanova / VA
Cutter # 18 / 2007 2’30’’ / dvd / directed by Nikita Alekseev and Konstantin Moshkin / EXP
Encoding Stitch by E.R.Gerz / 2006 / 5’30’’/ dvd / directed by Ekaterina Ilyina / FIC
Animal / 2005 / 3’ / dvd / directed by Eugeny Golubeva / ANIM
Death and Girl / 2005 / 2’24’’/ dvd / directed by Vladimir Seleznev / EXP
Blue Puddle / 2005 / 5’05’’/ dvd / directed by Ekaterina Maximova / ANIM
Twilight / 2005 / 5’31’’/ DVD / director Vladimir Logutov / EXP
Ttziolkovsky / 2004 / 4’30’’/ Betacam SP / director Andrey Golovin / ANIM
Let us go drink / 2004 / 4’ / DVD / directed by Viktor Nazarov / VA
Mutabor / 2004 / 1’45” / DVD / directed by Zer Gut group / VA
Ilya Muromets 1-2 / 2004 / 1’30’’ / DVD / directed by Maxim Moiseev / FIC
Magic Tomatoes / 2003 / 3’30” / Mini DV / directed by Dmitriy Bulnygin / EXP
Fine Correction / 2003 / 0’30” / Mini DV / directed by Dmitriy Bulnygin / DOC
Baby Boom / 2004 / 3’30” / Mini DV / directed by Dmitriy Bulnygin / EXP
Spider Rasta Story / 2004 / 1’30” / CD-Rom / directed by Dmitriy Bulnygin / ANIM
730 Days / 2004 / 1’38” / DVD / directed by Zer Gut group / VA
Trophy Films / 2003 / 10’ / VHS / directed by O&A Florensky / EXP
June 13

Directed by Pavel Labazov and Andrey Silvestrov
Production: Videodom Studio
70 min
The cult Soviet comedy musical of the late 1930s directed by Grigory Aleksandrov. This story depicts a gifted village girl. Local bureaucrats try to hinder her going to Moscow for a singing competition, but she goes to the capital with success. The lead was played by Liubov Orlova - the Russian Marlene Dietrich. This is the strangest remake in the history of cinema as the 1930s version has been preserved completely, with the exception of the leading actress and soundtrack. In this new version the main character is played brilliantly by the well-known Russian artist Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe, which gives the film an absolutely new metaphysical feel to the production. The world premiere of the film took place at the 35th Rotterdam International Film Festival.

Einstein and Margaret
Libretto: Iraida Yusupova and Vera Pavlova
Video by Alexander Dolgin and Iraida Yusupova
Puppet installation and set design: Alexander Dolgin
Composer: Iraida Yusupova
90 min
The video-opera is a myth about the love of the great scientist Albert Eistein and Margarita Konenkova - the Soviet secret service employee and wife of the celebrated Russian sculptor. The opera was based on the real story, which exceeds librettos of the most romantic operas by its intensity and emotional temperature.
This story inspired the lead Russian avant-garde composer Iraida Yusupova and famous poet Vera Pavlova to make the 'opera of the operas', full of many allusions and an anthology of the world opera art. They can't wait until the full scale production is realized and produce the video-puppet-installation version of the opera using the recorded sound. Dmitry Prigov, the cult personage of Russian contemporary art and Alexander Dolgin, conceptual photographer and film director, have both been involved in producing the opera. In the score 6 languages have been used which appear as subtitles on the screen during the film.
June 14

Shorts and video-art
from Kansk Video Festival
(International program)
108 min
Surprise! / 2007 / 18’ / DVD / directed by Fabrice Maruca / France / FIC
Man OS / 2006 / 13’ / DVD / directed by Seidel Roland / Austria / EXP
What business here? / 2006 / 6’ / DVD / directed by Spandan Banertee / India / DOC
Hezurbeltzak, una fosa comun / 2007 / 4’30’’ / 35mm / directed by Izibene Onederra / Spain / ANIM
Flash Lesson / 2007 / 9’14’’ / 35mm / directed by Alejandro Lubezki / Mexico / FIC
My tree / 2007 / 6’ / MiniDV /directed by Sara Siadatnejad / Iran / EXP
Colorful EU / 2006 / 2’ / DVD / directed by Peter Vadocz / Hungary / EXP
Cirugia / 2006 / 2’15’’ / 35mm / directed by Alberto Gonzalez Vazquez / Spain / ANIM
Taxi? / 2007 / 5’ / 35mm / directed by Telmo Esnal / Spain / ANIM
Genesis / 2008 / 8’40’’ / DVD / directed by Alessandro Vitali / Italy / ANIM
Reality Show / 2007 / 17’ / DVD / directed by Federico Schmucler / Mexico / FIC
Alone / 2008 / 3’ / DVD / directed by Gerard Freixes Ribera / Spain
Crazy love / 2007 / 03’53’’ / DVD / directed by Yoel Vazquez / Cuba / VA
Pablo V / 2008 / 2’ / DVD / directed by Theo Firmo / Spain – Brazil / VA
The Bellringer / 2007 / 4’ / 35mm / directed by Dustin Rees / Switzerland / ANIM
Terminal Communication / 2008 / 2’53’’ / DVD / directed by Michael Fortune / Ireland / VA

Blind Spot
Directed by Oleg Mavromatti
83 min
Oleg Mavromatti: “It’s difficult to describe the film’s plot. May be it's about America. There was an idea to show America in a different way. This is not Hollywood, this film is about vision and points of view. Unexpectedly I’ve directed the film which is clear to American intellectuals. The Hollywood method can be used by any average student without brains. Independent art society is looking for a new language. It’s looking for it strangely and painfully. New particular forms appear which no one can understand in Russia. Of course, I told not about Lynch or Tarantino, who are only the top of the cinema-iceberg, those lucky men who belong to the set”.